My Life


Lanna MMA
This is the place to be when you are thinking of Muay Thai. I had a wonderful time learning Muay Thai for the first time. The instructors were all kind and welcoming to the point where the instructor gave me and my friends a separate session from the main class. The class had about 35 of us in total which included older and younger women and men as well as children and lasted for about 45mins. The environment made me feel hammed up and ready to workout.
We got our skipping rope for cardio session and did a few burpess and other exercise to get us warm and ready for work. After that we rolled our boxing gloves and protective belly gears to proceed into the lesson. We were introduced to the boxing stances, the different types of punches and kicks and arranged in groups of two (with my other classmate) to practice. Our instructor was very patient and humorous.
At the end of the class we all bowed our heads to each person and gave high fives. I felt like I belonged there.

My Story
I have discovered my passion for sports and fitness in primary school. My coach was basically my mentor as he identified me and brought me on this path. I have been a track and field athlete since then to my late teens. I later venture into learning about Sports Science and Fitness and Health Promotion as those areas intrigued me. I want to be knowledgeable as much as possible in my field so I can make a difference in people’s lives just as how my coach made a difference in mine.

“Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.”
Bob Burg
I value Integrity and Continuing Education because I believe in order to work with people and make a difference in their lives one must present oneself as a person of principle that people can trust or find as reliable. In addition to this, continuing education is very crucial in keeping current in your field and know what works best based on evidence-based research. Accordingly, I will maintain a good character and stay up to date in my field of study.
At the end of my final semester in first year I would like to attain a 90% or more cumulative program grade point average in Fitness and Health Diploma Programme.